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19 Mayıs Anatolian High School opened its doors for the first time in 1968. It offers a high standard of education to its students (aged 15-18) for the purpose of developing their skills in academic fields and social relations. The main objective of the school is to enhance each student's learning skills, knowledge, and talents; in recognition of the fact that every student has unique characteristics, capabilities, interests, and needs. For this aim, our school encourages its students to work on lifelong learning projects to reach international standards in education as well as to prepare them for higher education, profession, and business fields. Starting from the 11th grade, courses related to the interests and academic fields are taught in our school. There are 42 teachers and 650 students including immigrants/ refugees coming from different countries.

In 2011, our school participated in the Comenius project called "Kulinarischer Kulturführer" (2011-1-DE3-COM06-19334) with the schools from Germany, Romania, and Poland. Then, with the approval of another Ka229 project in 2019, it started to organize and carry out LTT mobilities with its partners from Germany and Spain. Our school is also popular with its scientific projects. It opened its first science and art exhibition in 2017. A total of 21 projects related to science, technical and social sciences were displayed in this exhibition and it was a big step for the school to take part in such a national organization. Since 2018, foreign language teachers have been conducting various projects on the eTwinning platform; organizing joint activities with the partner schools on the Twinspace blog.

The main motivation of this project is to ensure the integration of refugee/immigrant students into the school and increase the awareness of the school community about these students. As one of the partners of this project, our school cares about the integration of refugee/immigrant students and at this point wants them to socialize and be more successful academically through the activities of the project.
The key persons who are assigned for this project have contributed to the project in the eTwinning platform titled "Bridging Cultures". As the main objective of this project is to prepare online educational videos about the integration of refugee/immigrant students and share language teaching games, the students are expected to do the activities not only in the online platform but also in LTT activities abroad. These activities will make them more active, sociable, and more connected to each other. If any of the key persons leave the appointment for health or any other reasons, the principal of the institution will appoint the other colleagues who have the same qualifications that the project needs. It is foreseen that the outputs and project implementations obtained at the end of this project will increase the knowledge and experience of the students and teachers participating in the project.



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